Mainland China Bureau of Statistics data show that in June 2014, above-scale industrial added value growth of 9.2% over actual 2013 year (less value added growth rate of real growth are deducting price factors), to accelerate by 0.4 percent in May. From the chain perspective, in June than in May to grow 0.77%. 1-6 months, the above-scale industrial added value growth of 8.8% over the same period.
Look into three main categories, in June, the mining value added growth of 7.9% over the same period, the manufacturing sector to grow by 9.8%, electricity, heat, gas and water production and supply industry growth of 4.7%.
Economic type, in June, the state-owned and state holding enterprises added value growth of 7.3% over the same period, growth of 3.3%, collective enterprises, joint-stock enterprises to grow by 10.8%, foreign and Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan invested enterprises to grow 7.4%.
In terms of industries, June, 41 major industries have 39 rows added value to maintain growth over the same period in 2013. Among them, the agro-food processing industry to grow by 7.1%, 6.4% growth of the textile industry, chemical raw materials and chemical products manufacturing growth of 10.6%, non-metallic mineral products industry to grow 8.9%, ferrous metal smelting and rolling processing industry to grow by 6.2%, non-ferrous metals smelting and rolling processing industry to grow 12.5 percent, general equipment manufacturing growth of 8.8%, 6.9% growth of special equipment manufacturing, automobile manufacturing growth of 13.6%, rail, marine, aerospace and other transport equipment industry to grow by 16.1%, electrical machinery and equipment manufacturing growth of 10.8%, calculators, communications and other electronic equipment manufacturing industry to grow 14.3 percent, electricity, heat production and supply growth of 3.4%. |